Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Renaming Kailani

When we bought our boat we registered her as Kailani.  However, the name on the boat still said Ahwahnee.  After we moved aboard we finally changed the name on the boat to Kailani.

We went online to Boat US to order the new graphics.  Since we plan on replacing Kailani’s current green canvas with a navy blue canvas, we went on and had the new graphics made in navy blue.  We did not order any stripe tape, but that will be next.  This was a more involved process than we had anticipated, but the results were worth the effort.

First the old graphics had to be removed.  That involved scraping them off with a razor making sure the razor wouldn’t fall into the water by tying them to our wrists.  This step was an important one as we’ve all seen that I clearly have a habit of dropping things in the water.

After the letters were scrapped off we had to remove the remaining glue then clean the glue cleaner off the hull.  To help even up the paint under the letters and the paint around the letters we had to use a polishing compound followed by cleaning the compound then installing the new graphics and finally waxing the area that we polished.  So, the process went scrap, glue remover, Windex, polish, Windex, install the graphics and finish with waxing.

Now we just have to do the stripes.
Wendy prepares to remove the old name.
Wendy is nearly finished with removing the old graphics.
Kailani has her new graphics on the bow.
Before we begin on the stern.
After removing the old graphics, but before cleaning and polishing.
Cleaned, polished and ready for new graphics.
Kailani has her new graphics and new Port of Call.


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