Saturday, March 29, 2014

More Wildlife Photos

My job kept me busy into the evening most nights this week which left me no time to write.  On top of that, the weather kept us form doing any work on the boat, so I didn't get into any trouble.  On Sunday we plan to finish working on our port side stanchions.  That requires holes to be drilled into the deck, so we need to wait until there is no chance of rain.

I did get some exercise in though; working out in the fitness room and walking to try to get back into shape now that my shoulder works again.  While walking and hanging out around the marina I've seen some more creatures and taken photos.  I really need to start carrying my real camera instead of just my phone.

Its hard taking a photo of a dolphin from 200 ft away using a cell phone.  This is the first Atlantic Bottlenose we've seen since we left the Gulf coast and moved to the Atlantic coast.

Manatee in our marina.  I think I saw this same one last fall.  I recognize the propeller scars.  A lot of boaters in FL hate the manatees.  There are slow zones to protect the manatees and boaters get annoyed because they have to go slow for a short time.  It would be like hating kids because you have to go slow through a school zone.
A family of otters in our marina.  I knew FL had them, but this is the first time I've seen them around here.
Went on a walk and saw three snakes in about 0.1 miles.  After that every stick, vine and shadow looked like a snake.  This one is a Eastern Corn Snake.

Southern Black Racer #1

Southern Black Racer #2

Gopher Tortoise.  It sits just outside it's burrow, but every time I get out my camera it backs up into the hole.  These are endangered, but we know where three of them live.

We went to the Ft Pierce Manatee Center expecting to learn about manatees, but not see any.  We saw seven including three moms with babies.  Learned that even though manatees get up to 1000 pounds they have very little fat and can't survive in water below 68 degrees for long.

Wendy saw a Eastern Coachwhip snake, but didn't have a camera.  It was pretty easy to find it on the internet with the description.  Not many snakes look like this.
Sandhill Crane.  I'm oddly fascinated with these birds.  This one is about 3.5 ft tall, but they get as tall as 4 ft.  They will walk right out into traffic.  I saw a pair stop traffic on a 6 lane highway and they didn't rush to cross.

Same one up close.
Same one really, really close up.
Osprey.  There are a lot of these around, but I had my real camera with me this time.

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